Anoksa Trading Company Limited



Yes, we do wholesale shipping and exports to most countries. Contact Us for more information about your country.

Average shipping takes 21 days depending on your port of delivery. We do offer an exact delivery time after your order has been shipped.

We use multiple shipping companies but mainly MAERSK, MSC or CGA CGM. Depending on shipping schedules, we could use other shipping companies.

Our products are shipped in temperature controlled refigerator containers (reefer containers). They are shipped in 18°C temperatures. This ensures the freshness and quality upon arrival.

Yes, we do provide packing pictures, barcodes and assistance with the shipping procedure.

We provide the following shipping documents:

  • 3 copies PACKING LIST
We provide insurance coverage for every shipment. The insurance shall not be more than 110% of the total value of the order.


Yes, each payment has an ID and record in our database. We provide payment receipts and keep records for each payment.

All payments must be paid following instructions on the Payment Instructions.
T/T payments shall be received by PERDIX account or an authorized account by PERDIX.
We guarantee every payment sent to us directly, this guarantee is sealed with a payment record and receipt.
Escrow payments shall be guaranteed by the escrow company.

This depends on the payment type. Bank transfers take an average of 5-7 business days.
Escrow payments are instant after confirmation from the Escrow Company.

  • 1. Buyer requests a quote from us.
  • 2. An official price quote is sent to the buyer.
  • 3. Buyer accepts quote and trade terms, sends a purchase order (PO).
  • 4. We will accept the purchase order send a contract / Proforma Invoice and payment instructions (PI) to the buyer.
  • 5. Buyer makes payment as instructed.
  • 6. We confirm payment and issue a payment receipt.
  • 7. Packing starts
  • 8. Goods are inspected and shipped.
  • 9. Buyer receives shipping documents.
  • 10. Buyer receives goods and sends a confirmation to us.
We do offer discounts and bonuses to customers with huge orders.
Our sales team will notify you, if you quality for such bonuses / discounts.


Yes, all our products are fully HALAL compliant with Islamic Laws. They are also permitted by the middle eastern governments due to our high health standards and quality.
We are permitted to ship to Middle East.

PERDIX strongly supports the humane treatment of animals. Our company maintains a strict animal welfare program that utilizes guidelines established by the National Chicken Council. The goal of our program is to avoid unnecessary suffering, prevent destructive behavior, provide proper nutrition and implement health programs through grow out and processing. These guidelines ensure that birds raised are taken care of with the highest standards starting at hatch. Humane treatment is practiced during the processing of the bird as well.
No. Our chickens do not receive growth hormones or steroids in any way. In fact, the use of hormones has been illegal in poultry since 1952.

T/T payments shall be received by PERDIX account or an authorized account by PERDIX.
We guarantee every payment sent to us directly, this guarantee is sealed with a payment record and receipt.
Escrow payments shall be guaranteed by the escrow company.

PERDIX’s flocks are raised in large poultry barns that protect them from environmental extremes and migratory birds which can transmit disease. These barns allow for our farmers to regulate their air flow and ensure they are receiving adequate food and water. Though they are not considered free range, which would allow them to roam freely outside, they are given plenty of space to move freely inside of the barn. Many barns are up to 600 ft long which is equivalent to the length of two football fields.

  • Some of our products do contain allergens, for example the two dinner sausages we make with cheese contain milk. All al Sadia products are gluten free contain no MSG, nitrates or nitrites and are made from 100% all natural ingredients.
PERDIX meets all requirements for the USDA “all natural” definition and holds our products to an even higher nutritional standard to ensure we are delivering a product that is not only delicious, but healthy.
“All natural”, as defined by the USDA is a product that is made without chemicals, food additives or refined ingredients and is minimally processed. There are no artificial colors, flavorings, preservatives, additives, fillers or by-products in these products. These products have been processed with non-synthetic or non-chemical methods.

The code date location varies depending on the product.
Frozen chicken: code date is printed on the box and back label of each product.
The code date on the package is the last day that you should consume that Particular product.
But, once a product is open, the full contents of the package should be kept airtight in the refrigerator and consumed within 3 days, even if the code date on the package is later.
Product can be frozen for up to 3 months as long as it is placed in the freezer prior to the code date on the package. Once thawed, product should be used within 3 days.


PERDIX’s Privacy Policy was created to reaffirm its commitment to the safety and privacy of information collected from the users of Anoksa Trading Company. You may visit this website and get acquainted with the services the Company offers, read reports, obtain news and information without having to provide any personal information. However, should such be the case, this policy purposes to clarify how the Company collects and handles your personal data. Since this policy is subject to occasional updating, Sadia advises it be regularly consulted.

1. Any information provided by the users shall be collected and stored according to strict security and reliability patterns.

2. Personal data provided by the users shall be collected through ethical and legal means. Such collection may have one or more targets about which users shall be informed.

3. Users shall be advised that their data is being collected and they may choose whether they want to provide it or not, they will be further advised about the consequences of their decision.

4. Unless a legal or judicial order is issued, information provided by users shall never be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was collected.

5. Access to collected information will be restricted to employees authorized to adequately use such data. Employees that unduly use such information, infringing Sadia’s Privacy Policy, shall be subject to the penalties provided by its discipline procedure.

6. Sadia shall maintain the integrity of the information provided through this website.

7. This website contains links or frames for other sites, which may or may not be Sadia partners and allies. These links and frames are available merely in the hopes of providing yet another benefit to the users of this website. Note that including these links and frames does not mean that Sadia has full knowledge, agreement, or responsibility for those frames and links or for their respective content. Therefore, Sadia can not be held responsible for any type of damage caused by the use of the referred links and frames.

8. Sadia requires any third parties hired to perform support services to adhere to its privacy standards.

9. If it is necessary, the Company may use cookies(*) to confirm your ID, personalize your access and to check the use of Sadia’s website aiming at improving its navigating and functioning conditions.

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